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Managing Pancreatitis in dogs

Managing Pancreatitis in dogs

Pancreatitis is a very severe disease that causes vomiting, diarrhea, pain in the abdomen, fever, weakness and lethargy. It is potentially life threatening so a trip to the vet is much needed. We're here to provide ways on how to manage pancreatitis for the rest of your pup's life. Pancreatitis in dogs often occur due to a diet which is high in carbohydrates and void of digestive enzymes which can be a direct result of feeding kibble...Switching to a raw protein diet which is low in fat such as Turkey, Chicken, Kangaroo, rabbit or a fish dinner.....

Benefits of Goat Milk for dogs and cats!

Benefits of Goat Milk for dogs and cats!

Goat’s milk has grown in popularity and for good reason! It is a pre/probiotic powerhouse and has many benefits for dogs or cats, as it is a unive...
Why should you introduce Bone Broth to your dog?

Why should you introduce Bone Broth to your dog?

Bone broth is great for dogs because it is full of important vitamins, nutrients and proteins. It is rich in protein and low in fat! The amino aci...
Joint nutrition and your dog

Joint nutrition and your dog

 As a dog ages the natural occurring glucosamine production slows down. You should start introducing joint supplements anywhere from the age of 3-...
Importance of Organ Meat in your dog's diet

Importance of Organ Meat in your dog's diet

One of the best ways to up the nutritional value of a raw food bowl is by introducing organ meat! Organ meat is more densely packed with about every other nutrient in comparison to a regular cut of muscle meat. Organ meats contain Vitamin D, which is one of the most important vitamins as deficiency can lead to muscle weakness, fractures, common cancers, autoimmune diseases and infections.  It has the highest concentration of naturally occurring Vitamin D than any other food source. Organ meat also contains high amounts of essential fatty acids and omega 3 fats including EPA and DHA, which decreases inflammation.


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